May 19, 2024

Boasting In Jesus’ Name
Posted by Matt Trombley
Series: 2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 10:13-18 To know Him and make Him known How do you know God personally? How do you make Him known in this world?
- May 19, 2024Boasting In Jesus’ Name
May 19, 2024Boasting In Jesus’ NamePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 10:13-18 To know Him and make Him known How do you know God personally? How do you make Him known in this world?
- May 12, 2024Mother Deborah
May 12, 2024Mother DeborahPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Single MessageJudges 4-5 Moms encourage your children to listen to God. Moms encourage your children by going with them. Moms encourage your children to rise up and take action.
- May 5, 2024Building Up Your Family
May 5, 2024Building Up Your FamilyPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 10:7-12We all have gifts to build up the church.We are all called to love one another.
- Apr 21, 2024Spiritual Warfare: Our Future Victory
Apr 21, 2024Spiritual Warfare: Our Future VictoryPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 CorinthiansThe book of Revelation Our future victory is in the second coming of Jesus Christ. Evil will be defeated forever. We will receive our resurrected heavenly bodies. We will reign with Christ forever. He is our Cornerstone.
- Apr 14, 2024Spiritual Wafare: Our Present Victory
Apr 14, 2024Spiritual Wafare: Our Present VictoryPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 1 John 4:4; Romans 1:16 We fight our battles by resisting the devil with the truth of God's Word. We proclaim the gospel to free people from their sin. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
- Apr 7, 2024Spiritual Warfare: Our Past Victory
Apr 7, 2024Spiritual Warfare: Our Past VictoryPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Spiritual Warfare is a battle that Jesus won for us. Our past victory was accomplished by Jesus on the cross. Colossians 2:15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them through the cross. He gave us His power and authority to build His church.
- Mar 31, 2024Firstfruits
Mar 31, 2024FirstfruitsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 CorinthiansThe principle of firstfruits is throughout the Bible.God's first choice to save the world was His Son, Jesus.God chose you first to be redeemed and resurrected.Put God first in your life.
- Mar 24, 2024Giving Faithfully
Mar 24, 2024Giving FaithfullyPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 9God is faithful in all things.God loves a cheerful giver.Giving faithfully leads to contentment, financial freedom, and God's glory.
- Mar 17, 2024Christian Integrity
Mar 17, 2024Christian IntegrityPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians"2 Corinthians 8:16-24 We need integrity in the church and in the lives of Christians. Integrity is our greatest witness to a lost world. Seek integrity through transparency when giving money to others.
- Mar 10, 2024The Foundation of Generosity
Mar 10, 2024The Foundation of GenerosityPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians 8:1-15 The foundation of generosity is grace. God is grace. The grace of Jesus is the foundation of our salvation. The Holy Spirit gives us grace gifts to walk in the Spirit and build up the church. Every financial decision is a spiritual decision.