May 22, 2022

Overcoming Failure
Posted by Matt Trombley
Series: Harmony of the Gospels
John 21:1-19
Peter overcame his failure by getting out of the boat, changing the conversation in his head, and following Jesus.
- May 22, 2022Overcoming Failure
May 22, 2022Overcoming FailurePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 21:1-19Peter overcame his failure by getting out of the boat, changing the conversation in his head, and following Jesus.
- May 8, 2022Honor Your Mother
May 8, 2022Honor Your MotherPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelstExodus 20:12; Leviticus 19:3; Luke 2:51Jesus honored women by honoring His own mother, valuing outcasts, and restoring their rightful standing.
- May 1, 2022The Road to Emmaus
May 1, 2022The Road to EmmausPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsLuke 24:13-49The Bible opens our eyes to see Jesus.Jesus walked with two men and explained the Bible to them.I think this inspired Footprints in the Sand poem
- Apr 24, 2022The Great Commission
Apr 24, 2022The Great CommissionPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:9-20Go and make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.Jesus had a simple philosophy of making disciples.
- Apr 17, 2022Safe and Secure
Apr 17, 2022Safe and SecurePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsEaster Sunday1 Corinthians 15The resurrection is the foundation of your faith.You are safe because Jesus died for you.You are secure because Jesus was raised from the dead.
- Apr 10, 2022King of My Heart
Apr 10, 2022King of My HeartPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsPalm Sunday: The Triumphal EntryThey made Jesus King for a day.He wants to be the King of your heart every day.
- Mar 27, 2022The Longest Prayer of Jesus
Mar 27, 2022The Longest Prayer of JesusPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 17Jesus prays the cross will glorify Him, the Word will protect his disciples, and that Christians will be one in Him.We all need a good lawyer (advocate).
- Mar 20, 2022Godly Decisions
Mar 20, 2022Godly DecisionsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 16:13If you follow your heart, you can get into trouble.If you follow God’s Spirit, you will be blessed.
- Mar 6, 2022Love One Another
Mar 6, 2022Love One AnotherPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 13:34-35; John 15:12-14; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8Jesus demonstrated his new command to love one another.His love is unconditional and sacrificial.We are commanded to love one another and so prove we are disciples.
- Feb 27, 2022The Second Coming of Christ
Feb 27, 2022The Second Coming of ChristPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the Gospels"Matthew 24 and 25Russia invading Ukraine reminds us that we are in the end times.Jesus teaches us to always be ready.We have work to do in sharing the gospel.When we do good works, we earn the 5 crowns and rewards in heaven.