Feb 21, 2021

Don’t Judge Me
Posted by Matt Trombley
Series: Harmony of the Gospels
John 4. Woman at the Well. Prejudice and Discrimination. Think differently about different people
- Feb 21, 2021Don’t Judge Me
Feb 21, 2021Don’t Judge MePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 4. Woman at the Well. Prejudice and Discrimination. Think differently about different people
- Feb 14, 2021God Loves You
Feb 14, 2021God Loves YouPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 3:16 God loves you unconditionally, sacrificially and forever. When you understand God's love for you it demands a response. Your response is your worship.
- Feb 7, 2021Resolve Your Anger
Feb 7, 2021Resolve Your AngerPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsJohn 2:13-21God wants you to resolve your anger quickly. Anger is a gauge not a guide. You choose what to do with your anger. Jesus shows you righteous anger.
- Jan 31, 2021Facing Temptation
Jan 31, 2021Facing TemptationPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 4 and Luke 4Jesus teaches us how to face temptation and win. God's word is the way of escape!
- Jan 24, 2021Jesus’ Baptism
Jan 24, 2021Jesus’ BaptismPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsMatthew 3If Jesus got baptized by immersion, then so should you.
- Jan 10, 2021Boy to Man
Jan 10, 2021Boy to ManPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsLuke 2:41-52 Only one story of Jesus as a boy but it is significant. If Jesus had to grow, then so do you.
- Jan 3, 2021God’s Plan for Your Life
Jan 3, 2021God’s Plan for Your LifePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Harmony of the GospelsGod's basic plan for all Christians is to walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). God's specific plan for you takes a little practice. Jesus shows you the way. You must talk to God and listen to His Word (John 1:1-18).
- Dec 20, 2020Presents in Heaven
Dec 20, 2020Presents in HeavenPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Single MessageWe earn rewards in heaven for what we do on earth. Jesus gives us four examples of how to store up treasures in heaven.
- Dec 6, 2020Thy Kingdom Come
Dec 6, 2020Thy Kingdom ComePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: Revelation Here is the timeline for the end times when Jesus comes back.
- Nov 29, 2020How the Church Begins
Nov 29, 2020How the Church BeginsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: 1 and 2 Thessalonians Paul started this church not like a business. He started it with the Word and the Holy Spirit. He wrote to give hope to this church that Jesus will come back and rapture the church.