Nov 22, 2020

Kingdom of Heaven
Posted by Matt Trombley
Series: Bible in a Year
Bible in a Year: Zechariah and Matthew Zechariah prophesied of the coming King and Matthew shows that Jesus Christ is that King.
- Nov 22, 2020Kingdom of Heaven
Nov 22, 2020Kingdom of HeavenPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: Zechariah and Matthew Zechariah prophesied of the coming King and Matthew shows that Jesus Christ is that King.
- Nov 15, 2020Hope in Jesus
Nov 15, 2020Hope in JesusPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: Isaiah was the most influential prophet to the New Testament authors. They referenced him about 100 times. Jesus and John the Baptist initiated their ministries with the words of Isaiah.
- Nov 8, 2020Holy Gifts
Nov 8, 2020Holy GiftsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: 1 Corinthians All churches have their problems which is why the Holy Spirit gifts us to build up the church.
- Oct 25, 2020Be Holy as I AM Holy
Oct 25, 2020Be Holy as I AM HolyPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: LeviticusWhy did God give 613 commands?Which ones should Christians obey today?
- Oct 18, 2020The Roman’s Road
Oct 18, 2020The Roman’s RoadPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearDo you know the Roman's Road to Salvation? Can you memorize these 5 verses to lead someone to saving faith in Jesus Christ? Why is Romans many people's favorite book of the Bible?
- Oct 11, 2020Can I Get a Witness?
Oct 11, 2020Can I Get a Witness?Posted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: Book of Acts and JoelWe are called to be witnesses and complete Chapter 29. Acts 1:8 is the key verse of this sequel to the gospel of Luke and the segue to the church epistles.
- Oct 4, 2020Little Children, Love One Another
Oct 4, 2020Little Children, Love One AnotherPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: 1 John and Philemon John wrote this letter to overcome three lies being taught in Gnosticism. The lie that Jesus wasn't fully God and fully human, the lie that we don't sin or have a sin nature and the lie that Jesus isn't enough for salvation. He combats these lies with truth and continuously urges his "little children" to love one another.
- Sep 27, 2020Holy Wallets
Sep 27, 2020Holy WalletsPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearBible in a Year: Nehemiah built the wall but was more concerned with their holiness. They were not giving faithfully. Malachi encountered the same problem and urges them to test God with their giving. Take the Malachi challenge.
- Sep 20, 2020Restore the Temple
Sep 20, 2020Restore the TemplePosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearEzra and Haggai restore the temple and make it holy. What's God's plan for you?
- Sep 13, 2020The Spirit of Elijah
Sep 13, 2020The Spirit of ElijahPosted by Matt TrombleySeries: Bible in a YearElijah was a unique prophet and his spirit carries through into the New Testament as prophesied by Malachi. His goal was to shock people's hearts back to God like a defibrillator.